Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So, the 99chan /b/ is being split into one that allows bullshit and one that doesn't? I realize that /regs/ is just getting off the ground, but it's sucking pretty hard so far.

Didn't 7chan do this a short while after it was resurrected and 78/99chan came into existence? I wasn't there to see how the 7chan experiment went, but it probably sucked.

Let me predict the end of this board, in lets say, two weeks or less. Probably in a time frame resembling that of the former /incognito/.

Also, if anyone with power reads this, change the default theme back to nigrachan again...

Monday, May 18, 2009


Lets add this word to the list of annoying chan terms.  I was just looking at some thread on 99 with that 2 headed sister sucking off some guy and I swear the next 10 replies all said "shoop".

I don't really know, but isn't "shoop" in some way connected to that old encyclopedia dramatica shit Shoop da whoop?  

Friday, May 8, 2009

Banned...again. (with discussion on tripcodes on 99chan)

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I don't feel like appealing this.

Ironically I received this message trying to report a post.

I guess I'm just feeling a little disenfranchised ever since 4chan went down and all those faggots started posting at 99chan.  I know it isn't that bad, but I just feel a bit oddly about it.  Maybe by the time my ban is over the /b/ board will have cleared up a little.


Also, why are there so many tripfags on 99chan?  I see two new ones pop up every day.  I recall Casanova writing on /docta/ once that this isn't inherent that everyone posts with a trip.  I can see trying to make a name for yourself, like users like VoxxenFAIL have (even if they get annoying sometimes) but most of the people using tripcodes only use them maybe once or twice and I never see them posting again.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"the chans"

This term bothers me too.

I hate it, its essentially an umbrella term used by 7 and 4channers to pool every imageboard into one mass collective.


I hate when people say things like "butthurt".  That should be a permaban.  I only saw anyone on 99 use that word probably 5 times since its inception.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Grammar and Writing

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The worst thing that can happen to 99chan would be otherchanners ruining our well spoken replies and fantastic grammar.

hopefuly all these crappy posts will disapere

Another type of post I hate is, for for example, "What is your favorite... ", these are usually good with a non shitty userbase, but if you get into people that don't explain why, then you get simple, one worded replies that don't really contribute anything.