Ban reason for /b/: What has the fact that this isn't 4chan got to do with the OP returning from Tehran? Also, I'm interested in the subject, so obviously some people do care.
Ban reason for /ask/: This is /r/ material, sorry.
Your ban was placed on July 1, 2009, 6:08 am, and will expire on July 4, 2009, 6:08 am.
The reason I called that thread out on /b/ for being 4chan-esque, is because frankly it is a 4chan type thread. First of all that nigger had no proof that he had actually been in Iran, which makes whoever banned me gullible as hell. Overall I was just sick of hearing about Iran, not specifically on 99chan, but in the media in general. I hate when I turn on the TV and they call it "The Twitter revolution", and I guess that was just tipping me to the point that I didn't care anymore. The style the thread was posted in was what made me call it out on being 4chan. The OP said "Just got home from Tehran. Ask an election protest survivor anything." Now, maybe if the thread was composed differently, rather than putting it into the generic template "Ask a ____ anything", which started becoming a very popular to start off threads on 4chan about a year ago. OP could have at least been more informative of his experiences, if in fact he was actually in Iran, which he wasn't.
Then onto my banning from /ask/. First of all, I don't know what the fuck is going on with that board, but in the last few days there've been about 10 new threads, which confuses me. Usually thats about the max for an entire week.
I was also somewhat disgruntled by this post:
G. Oogleit 09/06/30(Tue)02:30 No. 19956 [Reply]
Alright, /ask/.
I need to know.
How do I shaved pubes?
Just like shaving my face, or what?
I am at a total loss here.
Pic related, I don't know what the fuck.
How do I shaved pubes? Com'on, thats fucking I can haz cheeseburger syntax. Not to mention it was a completly retarded topic to begin with.
Onto my ban. I accept it, but I feel the time frame is inadequate given the nature of the reason for my ban. I don't even think I should have been banned. It was enough that the thread was deleted for being wrongly posted in /ask/.
Whatever, guess I'm posting on /regs/. I don't really understand that board anyways, it doesn't suck, there have been a few good discussions. I really like the thread about the security guy that works in the hospital.
I don't know why you don't make /mu/ visable. You want to use it to share music? It would be much more useful if you revoked the ability to post mp3's, as many people are retarded to the point that they don't read the front page and wrongly post music discussion in a Meta board.
Alternatively, you could put at the top of the page "Do not post music licenced in USA", or something like that. Then the board would turn into japanophile garbage though. Huh.