Thursday, January 15, 2009

/ask/ Needs more regulation

The problem with the /ask/ board lately is that people don't read the sticky.  It says RIGHT FUCKING THERE to take problems pretaining to

"Sex and Relationship questions do not belong here, they belong in:"

Ask is really just a smart version of Yahoo Answers with people that know about things that you would probably have questions about.

My problem though is that there is too much grey area material.  I don't care to see self loathing posts about how you don't want to get out of bed becuase you're depressed and will probably kill yourself becuase of it.  Problems with other family members should also be filed under /docta/.


  1. Hello, I've noticed that you complain about being banned from 99chan multiple times. Perhaps this is because you are a)underage, as evidenced in an earlier post, and b)the type of person to create a blog about imageboards.

    Thank you for your time, and I look forward to banning you in the future. Who knows, maybe I've already done it once or twice :3
